Permaculture introduction and social deisgn course, Bhumis farm 2-3 Nov 2019


Welcome to a two day introductory course to permaculture and social design at Bhumis farm outside Sjöbo in the beautiful southern Skåne, from approximately 08:30 on Saturday 2nd of November to 19:30 on Sunday the 3rd of November.

The course is taught in English, by Hans Ryding and Emiilia Olausson. Both teachers speak Swedish, so translation of difficult words to Swedish is available.

The venue

Bhumis farm is a slaughter free permaculture farm, integrating animals (cows and horses) with growing vegetables for food, and using left over resources from the local community.

Lodging in a large, shared room and all meals are included. We start with breakfast on Saturday and end with dinner on Sunday. Food is vegetarian plus dairy products made from Bhumis milk: The dairy cow at the heart of the farm. If you have special dietary or accommodation needs, please be in touch before registering and we will see what we can arrange.

The program

The first day the focus is on introducing permaculture, using Bhumis farm as an example of an existing permaculture farm in development. Subjects covered will include: The background of Permaculture, etymology (what does ”permaculture” mean?), permaculture ethics and principles, sector and zone analysis, site observation and analysis, goal setting, functions and elements and a “wild” design.

The second day is focused on creating a social design for the farm, using an adapted permaculture design process and learning while doing. The day will be mostly focused on working together, both in a larger circle and in smaller groups, subjects covered are goal setting, communication, vision/context, connecting people to the vision through a structured interview process, analyzing wants and needs, social zoning, and finally putting all the pieces together in a concept/design suggestion.

Registration and cost

Cost is 600kr/day or 1000kr for both days. Those wishing to join the second day only should have prior permaculture experience: A PDC or at least an introduction course and some prior experience in practicing permaculture.

Register for the course using the form to the right (or below if you are on a mobile) and paying the full course fee to bankgiro 5354-5372 with your name and “pkc” as message. Maximum 16 participants. If you have special payment needs, please be in touch before registering.